TSG Fall 2023 Digital Pages

44 Tri State Golf | Fall 2023 Collegiate Golfer Invents New Swing Aid Product During The Pandemic That Produces Consistent Ball Striking For most aspiring collegiate golfers, the pandemic brought on many challenges including isolation, excess of free time, and many questions as to what might happen with their college golf opportunities. In the case of 19-year-old Dylan Horowitz, now captain of the Chapman University men’s golf team in Southern California, he spent his time in isolation working on his golf swing and fixing one of his major swing flaws and, in the process, invented a new swing training aid – Kavooa Pro. Kavooa Pro, the first swing training aid from Kavooa Golf, will help golfers quickly improve and develop consistent contact with the ball. Kavooa Pro is a tripod-based product that can be adjusted via a patented telescoping device with rods (golf alignment sticks) to stabilize a golfer’s head and hips during the swing. That, in turn, helps solidify pure contact for consistent ball striking. “My biggest swing fault was caused by growing up playing hockey and hitting a lot of slapshots. I struggled with dipping my head down in my swing and having to compensate with my arms,” explains Horowitz. “Kavooa Pro was originally created specifically to stabilize head movement so I could practice by myself instead of needing someone to hold up sticks during drills. We discovered the product does that for you and also gives instant feedback on a variety of other golf skills.” Horowitz took inspiration from his longtime instructor, PGA teaching pro Dr. Rick Sessinghaus in developing the feedbackbased device. “We used video back in 2020 to show me how my head was moving forward during the swing and Rick mentioned there was no training aid to fix that movement – aside from either having someone hold up a stick to your head while swinging and staying behind it, or placing a beanbag on top of your head. So, we began working on what’s now Kavooa Pro.” It was during Covid of 2020 when Horowitz, who was isolated at home, had time to figure out a way to work on his game and stay positive. “I came up with the original model by taping a pool noodle to the top of a punching bag that was around my height. I made the necessary adjustments and would use it while hitting into my backyard net. When the courses opened back up in June of 2020, I then used a tripod, duct tape, a shoelace, and adjustable Star Wars light sabers that I drilled holes through using a burnt screwdriver in my freshman dorm room. After that version we switched to PVC pipe to begin creating the first prototypes.” Over the next couple of years, Horowitz, with the assistance of his father, Andy Horowitz, who brought significant experience as an entrepreneur building companies and selling them to Fortune 500 corporations, worked on the business side and the design aspect of the product to bring it to life. “It works through simple cause and effect – providing instant feedback,” says Horowitz. “And its height can also be quickly and easily adjusted to anywhere between 15 and 65 GOLF TRAINING Kavooa Pro – New Golf Training Aid Stabilizes Head And Hips