lots of unique water hazards, and demands good shot placement. Alongside the East course, Darl built villastyle condos for golf groups to stay in, which was a new experience at the time. During the late 1980s and 1990s golf course boom, the Scotts’ son Charlie, who had built golf courses for Wadsworth Construction for seven years before coming home to build the East course, designed and built Stonehedge South nearby in of the six that is not designed by the talented family with landscape architecture backgrounds. And now, the course is ranked in the state’s top 5. Unlike anything else in Michigan, it’s located on one of the highest points in Kalamazoo County and commands sweeping panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It’s a special course with a dramatic design that inspires golfers to play their best. “Most of our guests will spend a whole day at Stonehedge during one of their days visiting, playing the North and South,” says Johnson. “They like to play the East and West together, as well. And then Stoatin Brae, which we’ve done a lot of work on to make 1988. The golf course is set on dramatic, rolling wooded countryside reminiscent of the Carolinas. Then, in 1995, Charlie and his son Jon built Stonehedge North, which showcases dramatic elevation changes and plays roughly five shots easier than the South. At the same time, the family bought and refurbished nearby Bedford Valley Country Club, a local course that had hosted multiple Michigan Opens but fell into disrepair. Stoatin Brae is only the second course Golfin’ Around 36